10:53 AMEveryone has their own methods but I found this article pretty helpful. When your baby is fussy, they want you to stop whatever you are doing and fix their problem. This may not always be easy to do especially if you have other kids i.e. other obligations. These are some good tips, especially for 1st time moms.
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My baby is fussy! Is something wrong?
What is normal baby fussiness?
Whether breastfed or formula fed, during their first fewmonths, many babies have a regular fussy period, which usually occurs in the late afternoon or evening. Some babies' fussy periods come so regularly that parents can set their clocks by it! The standard infant fussiness usually starts at about 2 to 3 weeks, peaks at 6 weeks and is gone by 3 to 4 months. It lasts on "average" 2 to 4 hours per day. Of course, there is a wide variety of normal.
To distinguish between "normal" and a problem, normal usually occurs around the same time of day, with approximately the same intensity (with some variation); responds to some of the same things each time, such as motion, holding, frequent breastfeeding, etc.; and occurs in a baby who has other times of the day that he is contentedly awake or asleep. Normal fussiness tends to occur during the time of the day that the baby usually stays awake more, the most common time is in the evening right before the time that the baby takes his longest stretch of sleep.
What causes babies to be fussy? |
Babies normally fuss for many reasons: overtiredness, overstimulation, loneliness, discomfort, etc. Babies are often very fussy when they are going through growth spurts. Do know that it is normal for you to be "beside yourself" when your baby cries: you actually have a hormonal response that makes you feel uncomfortable when your baby cries.
Comfort measures for fussy babies (many fit into several different categories) |
Basic needs |
Comforting Touch |
Reduce stimulation |
Comforting Sounds |
Rhythmic motion / change of pace |
If you nurse and it doesn't seem to help, then try other comfort measures. If you pick him up or nurse him, and baby is content, then that was what he needed. If it works, use it!
I'm worried about spoiling my baby |
Conclusion |