HERBS"ALL ABOUT "Ipe Roxo (Pau D'Arco) "

this is what I used in the states  I can speak for my self that this really works!  When my 4 year old was just a baby he ha...

this is what I used in the states
 I can speak for my self that this really works!  When my 4 year old was just a baby he had eczema and nothing that I tried worked.  I finally looked up some natural herbs and found a lady who told me her story about how she had eczema really bad on her hands and she started using
Ipe Roxo (Pau D'Arco)  and with in a few weeks she was healed.  I ran out right away to wild oats a local health food market and got the extract and started using it for my baby after every bath and he havent had eczema since then.

Pau D’Arco has been known by the natives of South America for over 1,000

It contains the very rare ingredient Lapachol which has shown to have a very strong healing effect on various cancers, due to its molecular composition.

Pau D’Arco has proved very successful in treating many other illnesses including the following:

this is what I use here in Brazil  We just boil it drink a little and put some in the problem area.
Ring worms
Skin Problems
Stomach Ulcers
Gastric Catarrh
Ulcerative Colitis
Open Wounds
And others.

Pau D’Arco has scientifically shown to be 10 times less toxic than coffee.

Herbs are miraculous foods. Throughout the width and breadth of the earth there exist plants with amazing abilities. They grow and blossom and concentrate valuable healing nutrients within their tissues. There is widespread use of herbal remedies in the folklore of tribal populations. Even the Bible recommends the use of herbs for their healing properties. 

Me at the Best Her shop in Bahia Brazil!  I have to get my herbs here and yes I did get my Ipe Roxo (Pau D'Arco) here!  Peace!

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  1. great collection about healing herbs
    never knew about these many uses of herbs.

    I must say its a wonderful collection....


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