10:11 AMThis post is all about hair. From washing your children hair, to combing and styling it. With four of my own and a busy schedule I find it easier to bread there hair up for the week so I pick a day on the weekend and get them out the way one at a time.
Step 1. Washing
My children have very thick curly bushy hair so I have to take care and be time officiant when doing their hair. I find a wide tooth comb helps a great deal. Yes the bigger the better.
ok so what I do is while they are in the shower I shampoo the hair then comb it through while wet and shampooed. With a big wide tooth comb. I find this the best way. Fast and easy are the best ways for me and my children on hair combing day. lol NOw after you get all the tangles out you rinse and condition if you choose. I use an all natural coconut soap made here in the state of Bahia, of Salvador Brazil. It is very hot here so we do not blow dry but for those of you who do it is best to use a blow dryer with a comb attached.
these are wonderful to use and it helps to keep the hair free from tangles while getting dried. To make it more efficient just part the hair in four or six sections
The combs with the long pointed tails does really good jobs parting the hair. Be sure to after drying the hair to put a nice grease or oil on the hair and scalp. Oil's are wonder full they add shine prevent split damaged ends.
And it keeps the bugs out.
here's some great ones!!
NOw that we have covered washing combing drying and oiling now we can move on to the next step.
Step 2. Styling and/ or Braiding.
here are some pictures of how I styled and breaded my children' s hair.
My 8 year old has a fade on the sides and back so all I have to braid is the top I make a horizontal part across his head and corn roll the front to the middle and the middle to the back. Very quick easy and simple.
And this is my hair. I made a horizontal part across the front of my head and zigzagged corn rolls to the middle and I can style the back how ever I feel I can wet it and have it curly and frizzy
Also you can add all kinds of beautiful beads
That's all for now. Hope you enjoyed the hair tips and I would love to here some of your hair stories and tips as well! Thanks!