This is a free ebook dealing with the esoteric anatomy of the body.  Just as we have the macrocosm or the universe with that we look @ thr...

Overall this is a pretty good guide to start off with.  If you are new to this don't sweat it.  Just do what you are able to at your own...

LinkedTube “If Only I Could Understand Men….” Men always say they can’t understand women, and that women are so complicated. Well, f...

Check these parenting tips out. Sibling Rivalry Cure: Giggles??? Posted By Blaise Ryan on September 28, 2010  Using “Natural Giggles” to...

Pretty straightforward stuff... Its not really that difficult to figure out what's bother baby if you pay attention.   One thing that w...

Babies recognize the parents voice immediately (they hear you talking while in mom's belly).  When our 1st son was born the only thing t...

Everyone has their own methods but I found this article pretty helpful.  When your baby is fussy, they want you to stop whatever you are doi...

This article is very helpful.  Especially for those mothers who breastfeed and need to get their baby to sleep alone or when your baby is fu...

LinkedTube The road to conception can be very smooth for some couples, while others find that it can take years before they are able to b...

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Sesame Street - I Love My Hair I think this is great for children to see. Teach your children to love who they are, and not to follow ...

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